Adaptiv Networks

Adaptiv My Connect

Work from anywhere with confidence

A simple, secure connectivity solution that boosts productivity for home office and mobile workers by creating an encrypted tunnel to our SD-WAN cloud to improve application reliability and performance.

The enterprise-grade connectivity solution you can take with you

With the growth in the number of remote workers and the return of the road warrior, businesses are looking to make sure that their workforce has secure, high-performance connectivity whether they’re at home, on the road, or in the office.

Adaptiv My Connect is a simple managed connectivity solution that runs as a software app on the users’ PC, creating a private virtual tunnel. It works over any public Internet connections to keep remote employees online and productive.

Frictionless secure connectivity for remote workers

Traditional VPN access solutions require dedicated hardware and specific skills that many small and medium-sized businesses lack. Adaptiv My Connect is a frictionless solution that provides secure and reliable connectivity that works from anywhere, with little to no installation and maintenance time for the home employee or the corporate IT team.

Powerful capabilities that deliver much more than a VPN

Adaptiv My Connect goes beyond the limitations of traditional corporate VPN solutions by combining security with simplicity, plus a robust feature set that increases productivity for all business-critical applications.

So much more than a VPN

  • Limitations
  • Benefits
Functionality LimitationsBenefits
Adaptiv My Connect​
Data encryption creates a virtual private network
Zero trust network access with multi-factor authentication
Seamless failover to keep user connected through link outages
Enhance user quality of experience for business applications
Distributed cloud gateways eliminate bottlenecks and Internet backhaul
Intelligent session-based path steering to avoid congested links
Dynamic link conditioning (FEC) to mitigate network packet loss
Managed service with no IT skills or manual configuration required
Avoids the cost of VPN hardware, bandwidth and maintenance
Add new users quickly and cost-effectively in a pure opex model

Simple, secure and scalable remote connectivity

Keeping you online through link outages

Adaptiv My Connect works over any type of Internet connections including cable, fiber, DSL, or 4G/5G. When backup connections are available, seamless multi-link failover keeps the user connected to eliminate downtime.

Optimizing cloud performance

Adaptiv My Connect combines dynamic link conditioning with our intelligent session-based path steering to deliver a better user quality-of-experience for business cloud applications like Microsoft TEAMS, Google G Suite and Salesforce.

Managed private network access

Secure remote access has never been easier! Licenses are provisioned via email, then users simply install the app on their PC, log in and they’re ready to go. Zero trust network access, monitoring and support are all part of the service.

Frequently asked questions about Adaptiv My Connect

No, this is a software application that runs on the users' laptop so they can work from anywhere.

Yes, Adaptiv My Connect works with any type of connections including wired, wireless or LTE connections so you can connect at home or one the road.

Yes, Adaptiv My Connect creates an overlay tunnel that provides encryption.

Yes. Dynamic link conditioning uses forward error correction (FEC) to improve performance when packet loss occurs. Intelligent session-based path steering routes applications away from congestion when multiple links are available.

Yes, Adaptiv Business Connect customers can use Adaptiv My Connect to securely access their private corporate network.

My Connect runs on any desktop or laptop running Microsoft Windows or macOS.

Agile Cloud Connectivity

We remove barriers to business digital transformation with amazingly simple and effective cloud connectivity