Adaptiv Networks

Supercharging Application Performance

Supercharging Application Performance

Maximize user experience without additional bandwidth

Having sufficient bandwidth is critical for today’s businesses, but what if your network is keeping applications from performing optimally? Maximizing user experience requires more than bigger data pipes – it’s prioritizing applications and keeping a constant eye on data flow, ensuring your business-critical applications always flow smoothly.

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Supercharging Application Performance

Maximize user experience without additional bandwidth

Having sufficient bandwidth is critical for today’s businesses, but what if your network is keeping applications from performing optimally? Maximizing user experience requires more than bigger data pipes – it’s prioritizing applications and keeping a constant eye on data flow, ensuring your business-critical applications always flow smoothly.

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Protecting Business-Critical Cloud Applications

Smart connectivity optimizes cloud productivity

Business applications like Microsoft TEAMS and Salesforce have become critical productivity tools for today’s workforce, but the performance of these applications is only as good as your cloud connectivity. Watch our 3-minute video to learn how Adaptiv SD-WAN creates smart connectivity to optmize your cloud productivity.

Zero Downtime

Market-leading seamless failover avoids internet outages and even keeps live video calls connected.

Quality of Service

Intelligent real-time traffic steering protects business applications and avoids network congestion.

Bandwidth Flexibility

Use any type of connections from any internet provider to increase network throughput whenever you need it.

Application performance you can count on

Automatically steer traffic

The Adaptiv solutions track all your data flows, automatically directing traffic based on priority, to less congested routes, balancing your information exchange to keep your data moving smoothly.

Limit non-business traffic

Our award-winning solutions allow users to limit which applications require connectivity with corporate servers and which can route directly to the Internet, conserving company resources.

Manage policies to prioritize applications

We enable you to easily manage policies, allowing you to prioritize business-critical applications quickly and easily.

Catch threats and attacks with deep packet inspection

Adaptiv regularly updates its packet inspection databases with thousands of application signatures, millions of URLs, and thousands of SaaS applications and FQDNs, enabling the identification and blocking of malware, data leaks, and other security threats.
You need smart and reliable connectivity to ensure success

80% of cloud quality issues are caused by three underlying problems with network connectivity.


When your Internet connection goes down, you need alternatives. Adaptiv Networks provides Unbreakable Internet access by managing multiple connections with our market-leading seamless failover technology.


When your network applications are competing for resources, performance can suffer. Adaptiv automatically recognizes business applications and intelligently priorities traffic to provide the optimal user quality of experience.


When your network gets jammed with more data than it can handle, applications slow down and quality drops. Our intelligent SD-WAN cloud manages traffic to keep your network from getting over-saturated before problems arise.

Watching your Network 24/7/365

Simple, secure online access to view application performance

Adaptiv provides network visibility with an easy-to-use cloud portal which continuously monitors network traffic and connection health at all your business sites. Interactive dashboards and charts on the portal track information to depict the health and efficiency of each site, link, and application to show quality of experience at a glance.

The easy-to-use portal gives business leaders 24/7/365 access to the same dashboards and reports used by managed service providers – a gateway for self-serve insights into the efficiency of network connectivity, with access to metrics and details that help identify trends and proactively troubleshoot issues.

Adaptiv’s managed connectivity solution provides the professional expertise of a managed service provider, plus intelligent automation that optimizes uptime and cloud performance to propel digitally transformed businesses.

Agile Cloud Connectivity

We remove barriers to business digital transformation with amazingly simple and effective cloud connectivity